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2021-05-20 12:44:35    來源:搜狐

北京時間2021年5月9日國際母親節(jié),2021 WORLD MADAM世界夫人中國福建總決賽暨頒獎盛典,在世界夫人中國區(qū)執(zhí)行副主席、福建賽區(qū)執(zhí)行主席張麗麗夫人及其各組委會精心組織下,在社會各界的鼎力支持下,于福建廈門舉辦并取得圓滿成功。來自福建福州、泉州、廈門、龍巖、漳州、莆田、寧德和霞浦8個分賽區(qū)的35名夫人候選人在總決賽暨頒獎盛典上進(jìn)行了精彩的展示。

May 9, 2021 Beijing time (International Mother's Day), 2021 WORLD MADAM Fujian final and awards ceremony in Fujian, Xiamen was a complete success. It was organized by Madam Lili Zhang, the Executive vice President of World Madam China, Executive chairman of Fujian Division and its Organizing Committee with supports from all sectors of the society. 35 candidates from Fuzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen, Longyan, Zhangzhou, Putian, Ningde and Xiapu of Fujian had wonderful appearances at this grand final and awards ceremony.


Madam Annie Huang, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of World Madam Group, attended this final and awards ceremony. Mr.Zhang Mingwang, executive chairman of World Chinese Entrepreneurs Federation, honorary president of Australian-China Friendship Development Association, specially invited researcher of the 13th CPPCC Committee of Xiamen, chairman of the board of directors of King Eagle Health Holding Company Limited, serves as the chairman of the jury of this final.


Madam Zhang Lili, Executive Vice President of World Madam China, Executive Chairman of Fujian Division, and Honorary President Madam Deng Xiaoli, delivered wonderful speeches respectively at this final.


Madam Wang Xuan Hong as the Director and Miss Shen Siqi as the Stage Art Director, the Director Group adopted a style of local culture, the candidates on stage presented the audiences the images of Fujian married women being industrious, kind, fashionable and united. Amongst the candidates, the youngest is 29 years old, the oldest is 78 years old, most of them had no prior experience on stage before this final. All candidates had been together going through psychological counseling, intensive physical and onstage appearance training under the company of professional training instructors. Amazing changes had already taken place in just days. The candidates showed us the spirit of married Fujian women’s determination to strive to win.

由黃安妮夫人發(fā)起的WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球賽事活動不以外貌、身材、才藝等局限角度來評選,而是以豐富的多維度、多元化、包容以及其社會角色來定義夫人的成功與成就。“The Great Madam for the World,The Great World for the Madam為世界準(zhǔn)備偉大的夫人,為夫人準(zhǔn)備偉大的世界。”是對WORLD MADAM世界夫人使命的全新詮釋。

World Madam Competition does not judge candidates by mean of appearance, figure and talent. Candidates define their successes and achievements by mean of their rich multi-dimensional, diverse, inclusive social roles. The phrase "The Great Madam for the World, the Great World for Madams”is a new interpretation of the mission of WORLD MADAM.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人希望通過這樣公益活動凝聚全球卓越已婚女力量,通過愛的傳遞,促進(jìn)全球家庭共享和諧幸福,進(jìn)而為維護(hù)世界和與發(fā)展奉獻(xiàn)力量。以公益為愛奠基,用王冠改變?nèi)松?/span>

WORLD MADAM hope to cohere the power of outstanding married women globally through such a public welfare activity to promote the idea of "global family to share harmony and happiness". Through advocating love, we hope to contribute our efforts to world peace and development. Public welfare is the foundation, the crown is to change lives.

“夫人”,是對已婚女的尊稱,是對女為家庭和社會做出的奉獻(xiàn)的肯定。而“WORLD MADAM世界夫人”,代表的不僅僅是家庭和諧,而對其在所承擔(dān)的社會責(zé)任和熱心公益等方面都有更高的要求。新時代環(huán)境下,“世界夫人”被賦予新的內(nèi)涵,這個內(nèi)涵就是現(xiàn)代女將更加獨(dú)立,更加積極的參與更多的社會活動,承擔(dān)更多的責(zé)任。

"Madam" is a noble title for married women, it is the affirmation of women's contributions to their families and the society. "World Madam", on the other hand, represents not only a harmonious family of hers, but a higher demand for her social responsibility and enthusiasm for the public. In the new millennium, "World Madam" has been endowed with a new connotation, which is that modern day women will be more independent, more actively participating in more social activities, and assuming more responsibilities.

WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球系列活動希望通過“Crown Changes Lives王冠改變?nèi)松?rdquo;來鼓勵更多的已婚女在為工作、家庭、下一代辛勤付出的同時,學(xué)習(xí)如何正確關(guān)愛自已,進(jìn)而關(guān)心和參與社會公益活動,樹立更多幸福女主人榜樣力量,共同為促進(jìn)“Families share Harmony and Happiness Around the Global 全球家庭共享和諧與幸福”愿景和目標(biāo)而不懈努力。

Through the "Crown Changes Lives" campaign, World Madam hopes to encourage more married women to learn to care for themselves and to participate in social welfare activities besides working hard for their jobs, families and children. World Madam shall set up more examples of happy leadership and unremitting efforts to promote the vision and goal of "Families share harmony and happiness around the global".

“王冠改變?nèi)松?rdquo;,總決賽是短暫的,而有了王冠的生活才剛剛開始。通過參加世界夫人評選活動,夫人們不僅僅在舞臺上有收獲,同時完美的詮釋了WORLD MADAM世界夫人的理念,對踐行WORLD MADAM世界夫人全球公益活動的使命和意義,也將會理解得更加深刻。

"Crown changes Lives". Finals end shortly, but life with the crown is just the beginning. Through the selection processes of the World Madam Competition, the madams not only gain onstage experiences but also perfect opportunities to exhibit the concept of World Madam. They will have a deeper understanding of the mission and significance of World Madam when participating global public welfare activities.


List of winners of World Madam Fujian China Finals


Love Ambassador:MadamLin Huiyin


Madam outstanding individual achievement

MadamCai Fengyin, MadamCai Shuyin


Madam morality:

MadamLin Yinzhen, MadamGuo Yuhong


Madam talented:

Madam Huang Xieying, Madam Su Na


Madam deportment:

MadamLei Qinyue, MadamLi Hongmei


Madam media attention

MadamChen Liping, Madam Huang Minyun


Charity Ambassador

MadamYang Xiuchen,MadamZhu Yuye


Madam intelligence

MadamChen Xingyin, Madam Zuo Da


Madam photogenic

MadamLi Mulian,Madam Zhou Lihui


Madam harmonious family

MadamLin Fengzhi, MadamSun Ping



Madam Yuan Meiping,MadamLiu Jin



MadamLi Limin, Madam Luo Lin


Madam Most Popular

MadamHeQiongyin, MadamPan Huimin


Third Place

MadamSu Zhihua, MadamWu Enmei, Madam ZengShuiyin



MadamHuang Yan,MadamZhouDehuan,Madam Lei Xiaodan


ChampionElected by Audience

MadamLin Yuzhen, MadamXieQiuhong



MadamWangWeishu, Madam DUanShenkun


(The above list is submitted by the jury以上獲獎名單由評委會提交)


